Man holding jaw in pain

Emergency Dentist

When painful and traumatic dental emergencies happen, you need a dentist you can call for fast emergency dental care.

Drs. Alex Man and Henry Ma of Apex Dental in Fort St. John, BC, keep slots open each day for dental emergencies that affect their patients.

Learn how contacting our locally owned practice for dental care in an emergency can save teeth, ease pain, and restore oral functions.

Dental Emergency? Don't Delay We Can Get You in Fast

We understand that dental emergencies can happen at any time. You can get the prompt care you need by reaching out to us. Apex Dental reserves eight appointment slots for emergency dental care each day. We can get you in fast so an emergency dentist can provide the care you need to get your smile back on track. Call us now:

The Importance of Emergency Dental Care Act Quickly to Preserve Your Smile

Video about Emergency Dental Care at Apex Dental FSJ

The need to make a last-minute appointment with our Fort St. John, BC, emergency dentists can happen anytime. You or a loved one might be playing sports when an injury to the mouth occurs. Or a bad toothache could hit at work, while you are driving, or even while you are asleep. Drs. Man and Ma put aside two hours a day at our family dental practice for the emergency dental needs of their patients. Feel free to contact us by phone for an appointment when a dental emergency strikes.

Nervous About Your Appointment? Sedation Can Keep You Comfortable

Dental anxiety can prevent many people from getting the treatment they need. Our dentists can provide sedation to keep you calm throughout your entire dental procedure.

4 Types of Dental Emergencies Our Dentists Can Treat

Call our Fort St. John, BC, practice at (250) 787-7820 immediately for an emergency dental appointment should any of the following happen to you or a family member:
Person holding a tooth

Loosened or Knocked Out Tooth

If the tooth is knocked out, pick it up by the top, rinse it off, and carefully reinsert it with a little pressure. Or you can try and store the tooth in some milk until you can get to our Fort St. John practice for dental care. Our dentists can also perform a procedure called dental splinting, where a loose or knocked out tooth is secured to a stable adjacent tooth with a strong wire encased in a composite dental material. For knocked-out teeth, splint results are best when the procedure is performed within an hour. Loose teeth should be splinted within 12 hours.


Severe dental pain can make your life miserable. Toothaches can be caused by decay, if a tooth is broken by an injury, or by biting down on something hard. The emergency dentists at our Fort St. John, BC, practice can restore decayed or broken teeth with a filling or crown. Dental pain may also be caused by a bacterial infection in a tooth's interior root canal. Drs. Man and Ma can perform a root canal procedure to treat the infection. Then a lifelike crown can be designed and placed on the tooth to complete your smile and restore oral functions.

Woman holding jaw in pain
Close up of person's cracked tooth

Chips or Cracks

These can occur due to injury, biting something hard, or grinding your teeth. Try to save any tooth fragments that are chipped off in milk until you see our emergency dentists. They may be able to bond them back in place. Until then, clean your mouth with an antiseptic rinse and use a cold compress to reduce any swelling. Take pain medication if you need it. This type of emergency should be treated quickly, as bacteria could get into the crack or chip and cause an infection. A painful abscess, or pocket of pus, could form from the infection. If left untreated, the infection could move into your jaw, gum tissue, and throughout your body. Symptoms such as fever, toothache, swelling, bite sensitivity, or tender lymph nodes may occur.

Loose or Broken Restorations

Traditional dental restorations, such as crowns, can come loose and pop off a tooth. Even a crown, denture, or bridge attached to a dental implant can break due to biting something hard or an injury. This is an emergency that needs to be treated right away so oral functions like chewing and speaking are not affected. If a crown pops off, you can use toothpaste or Vaseline to keep it in place until your emergency dental visit. If a restoration has broken, our dentists can design and create a new one and attach it to your dental implant.

Dental bridge and crown

Emergency Dental Crown Restoration


Restoring a painful decayed or broken tooth with a dental crown is a relatively simple procedure that can be done during an emergency appointment. Numbing anesthetic makes the treatment virtually pain-free. Our practice also offers sedation dentistry if dental work makes you anxious.

Having a Dental Emergency? Searching for a Dentist Wastes Time Make Us Your Go-To Practice for Dental Emergencies

Drs. Man and Ma are trained emergency dentists who can resolve your issue as quickly, efficiently, and comfortably as possible. They use advanced, safe technology, such as low radiation digital X-rays, to diagnose the dental condition that is causing your emergency.

Our dentists can then create a customized emergency treatment plan to bring you relief from pain and restore your smile and oral functions.

When a dental emergency occurs, delaying treatment can cause permanent damage to dental tissues or even threaten your overall health. So please contact our dentists immediately by calling our independently owned Fort St. John, BC, practice.

Dentist treating a patient

Why Choosing a Dentist-Owned Private Practice Matters

Being an independent practice means our owner, Dr. Ma, and his colleague, Dr. Man, can focus on the responsive needs of Fort St. John residents and provide the highest level of care possible. Many local corporate practices may have several dentists on staff, meaning the doctor you would like to see may not be available. At Apex Dental, you will only be seen by Drs. Man or Ma.

When Should I Go to a Hospital for Emergency Dental Care?


You are always welcome to call us regarding your dental emergency. However, if you are suffering from any of the following, our practice will recommend that you go to a local hospital for emergency care:

  • A dislocated or broken jaw
  • Difficulty breathing or swallowing
  • Excessive bleeding from a tongue injury or a deep cut in your mouth

Why Choose Apex Dental for Emergencies and General Care

Family Friendly

Our practice provides emergency, cosmetic, general, and restorative dental care to patients of all ages, from kids to senior citizens.

Staff Familiarity

Members of our dental staff have offered friendly smiles and service to the Fort St. John, BC, patients for years. It is always a comfort to see a familiar face if you need to come in for emergency treatment.

Emergency Appointments

Our dentists set aside eight slots a day for patients who need emergency care.


Drs. Ma and Man have well over two decades of combined dentistry experience. This makes them excellent doctors to perform your emergency dental care.

Lower Fees

Drs. Ma and Man charge lower fees than other local dental practices. This can make emergency dental care more affordable.

Another Reason to
Choose Apex Dental?
We Value Our Community

The connection to our Fort St. John neighbors is extremely important. That is why our practice is deeply involved in many local charity events. This helps us improve the lives of local residents and allows us to give back to a community that trusts us with their family's dental care.

Will Insurance Cover  Emergency Dental Care?

Yes, your dental insurance plan will probably contribute to the cost of your visit to our emergency dentists. We accept most forms of insurance and can work with your provider to help you make the most of your coverage. When cost is a concern, we can arrange to provide economical options that can make the care you need a more comfortable fit for your budget. Don't delay emergency care due to cost concerns - we will work with you.


Apex Dental Fort St. John

Dr. Alexander Man and Dr. Henry Ma are committed to providing patients in our community with high quality dental care. Together, they have more than 20 years of combined experience providing comprehensive dental services to patients, including:

We welcome new and existing patients. Contact us online to send us a message or request an appointment. You can also call us at (250) 787-7820.

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