Smiling man after teeth whitening

Teeth Whitening

Stained and discolored teeth can cause feelings of embarrassment and make you reluctant to smile.

Drs. Alex Man and Henry Ma at Apex Dental Fort St. John in Fort St. John, BC, can whiten your smile and achieve radiant results.

We offer both in-office and take-home teeth whitening treatments that are safe and efficient.

There are several reasons why patients choose to have an in-office
tooth whitening treatment at our Fort St. John, BC, office:

Transform Your Smile with Professional Teeth Whitening

Even if patients exercise excellent at-home oral care and visit the dentist for regular checkups, their teeth can still become discolored. Factors like genetics, age, and smoking can affect the appearance of your teeth, and beverages like coffee, tea, and red wine can stain teeth, altering your smile. 

Tooth bleaching from Apex Dental Fort St. John can leave you with a more radiant smile after one visit. For patients who have a busy schedule, our dental office can provide a take-home teeth whitening kit. No matter which treatment you choose, Dr. Alex Man and Dr. Henry Ma provide teeth whitening treatments that are safe and efficient so you can start enjoying your enhanced smile quickly. Contact our dentists' office in Fort St. John, BC, today to learn how easy it is to get whiter teeth.

Call: (250)7878-7820

Dentist and patient

What Teeth Whitening Can Do for Your Smile

Before Teeth Whitening
Before The patient's teeth are discolored from beverages and other factors.
After Teeth Whitening
After One teeth whitening session at our Fort St. John, BC, office can leave you with a radiant smile that is more healthy in appearance.
"Research has demonstrated that the whitening effect of tooth bleaching can last up to three years and is affected by smoking and consumption of food or drinks that stain the teeth." Canadian Dental Association

Am I a Good Candidate for Teeth Whitening?

Fortunately, most people are good candidates for professional teeth whitening if they:

  • Are in good oral health
  • Have surface stains
  • Do not have gum disease or a receded gum line
  • Do not have worn enamel
  • Are not sensitive to bleaching agents used during the procedure

We may not recommend this treatment if the patient suffers from tooth sensitivity or is pregnant or breastfeeding.

Our Fort St. John dentists can determine if this or another solution is the right way to illuminate your smile.

Smiling woman
"Tooth bleaching should be deferred until after pregnancy, since the bleaching products have not been tested in pregnant women." Canadian Dental Association

Your Teeth Whitening Options

Apex Dental Fort St. John offers two methods of whitening for our patients' convenience.

Smiling man after teeth whitening treatment

In-Office Whitening

In-office whitening is the quickest and most noticeable way to whiten enamel and enhance your smile. Our dental office uses the Philips Zoom!® system. During this whitening treatment, a trained dental professional will carefully apply a bleaching agent to each tooth and use an LED light to activate the whitening gel and lift the stains. This in-office whitening treatment can brighten your enamel by up to eight shades in less than an hour.

Bleaching agent applied to Teeth Whitening tray

At-Home Whitening

Our patients also have the option of using professional take-home bleaching kits. Our kits include a bleaching gel and custom-made trays that will allow the whitening solution to whiten each tooth without affecting the surrounding gum tissue. Patients fill the trays with the professional-grade bleaching gel before placing them over their upper and lower dental arches. The trays are worn for 45 minutes to an hour for about two weeks. Some patients may prefer at-home whitening as it can be used at your own pace if you experience tooth sensitivity.

The In-Office Teeth Whitening Process

Our in-office treatment uses an LED light to activate the bleaching solution for stunning results. Our dental professionals will provide you with protective equipment to shield your eyes lips, and gums from the light and whitening solution.

Making the Most of Your Take-Home Trays

Our dentists will instruct you on how to use our take-home whitening treatment properly to ensure the best results. In general, your treatment will include:

Loading Your
Custom Trays

The profession-grade bleaching gel comes in a pre-filled syringe that is easy to use. Apply the whitening gel about halfway up the tray, from one end to the other. The gel should be applied to the side of the tray that touches the front of your teeth. Try to use about one-half of the syringe on each tray. 

Wearing Your
Whitening Trays

When it's time to wear your trays, carefully place them over your teeth and gently press down. The amount of time we recommend you wear your trays will depend on the strength of the whitening formula and your goals, but you can expect to wear your trays for about 30 minutes to an hour.

Removing the
Whitening Gel

After removing your trays, you should brush your teeth and rinse your mouth to remove any remaining whitening solution. Next, clean the gel from your trays with cool water and a soft toothbrush. If you experience any tooth sensitivity, stop using your trays and request an appointment at our practice so we can alter your treatment.

Maintaining the Benefits OF YOUR TEETH WHITENING

In addition to practicing good at-home oral care, there are some simple things you can do to prevent or slow the onset of discoloration after your treatment. Apex Dental Fort St. John recommends that you:

Avoid Foods That Can Stain Teeth

Beverages like coffee, tea, sodas, and red wine and sauces like soy sauce and tomato sauce can stain your teeth. Minimizing your intake of these drinks and foods can maintain your bright smile.

Don't Use Tobacco Products

Tobacco products like cigarettes, cigars, and chewing tobacco can yellow your teeth and lead to widespread oral health problems like gum disease and even tooth loss. To prolong the benefits of your teeth whitening and maintain your overall health, avoid these products.

Attend Regular Teeth Whitening Sessions

As time goes on, the results of your teeth whitening may fade and your teeth may once again become yellowed and stained. Continued in-office treatments or at-home whitening can extend the effects of your tooth whitening treatment.

The Advantage of Having a Dentist

"Oral health care professionals may recommend tooth whitening products for home-use that are similar in strength to those used in-office. However, a dental professional can instruct the consumer on take-home applications and be a direct advisor should an adverse reaction occur." Government of Canada

How Over-the-Counter Methods Fall Short

Modern dentistry has provided us with proven, predictable methods of tooth whitening. Here’s how our dentists' work compares to products found at your local drug store:

Whitening Toothpaste

While certain whitening toothpastes are more effective than others, they may only produce slightly whiter teeth after weeks of use. Professional tooth whitening can brighten your teeth by several shades in just one visit.

Whitening Strips

They may marginally improve the appearance of enamel over the course of several weeks, but adhesive whitening strips can damage the gums and harm beneficial bacteria. In this sense, professional teeth whitening is safer for your oral health.

Hydrogen Peroxide

The application of hydrogen peroxide mixtures has become an increasingly popular bleaching strategy. While hydrogen peroxide is in certain whitening products, using it without a dentist's guidance can damage enamel.

Why Turn to Our Fort St. John Practice For Professional Teeth Whitening?

Personalized Experience

Teeth whitening at our office in Fort St. John is customized to each patient. For in-office treatment, your dentist will adjust the amount and strength of the bleaching gel to achieve your desired result. For take-home kits, a custom-fitted mouth tray can minimize the risk of leaks associated with one-size-fits-all options.


Your safety and comfort are top priorities. We take the time to get to know about your particular circumstances — if you have sensitive teeth, for example — and recommend solutions that don’t just deliver excellent results, but also minimize the risk of irritation and other adverse effects.

Continued Care

When you turn to us for professional teeth whitening, you can feel confident that you’re partnering with dentists who care about your health. We value our relationships with patients throughout the community and are proud to be the go-to dentist for our friends and neighbors.


Apex Dental Fort St. John

Dr. Alexander Man and Dr. Henry Ma are committed to providing patients in our community with high quality dental care. Together, they have more than 20 years of combined experience providing comprehensive dental services to patients, including:

We welcome new and existing patients. Contact us online to send us a message or request an appointment. You can also call us at (250) 787-7820.

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