Smiling child

Pediatric Dentistry

Oral health problems in children can be painful and keep your child from focusing in school and living life to the fullest.

Pediatric dentistry can treat and prevent serious problems and set your child up for a healthy smile for life.

Apex Dental Fort St. John in Fort St. John, BC, provides pediatric care to help children achieve and maintain healthy smiles.

The Importance of Pediatric Dentistry

Children should have their first appointment with a pediatric dentist within six months of their first tooth erupting or around their first birthday, whichever happens first. Children should then visit their pediatric dentist twice a year to reap the benefits of pediatric dentistry.

Preventing Dental Problems

Regular checkups and professional cleanings are especially important for children, as their teeth are more prone to decay. By preventing and treating problems at a young age and instilling healthy habits in your child, we can decrease the risk of serious oral health concerns later in life.

Instilling Oral Hygiene Habits

One of our main goals is to teach our pediatric patients the importance of proper oral hygiene by demonstrating how to brush and floss properly. If the child is too young to care for their own teeth, we can provide their parent or guardian with the knowledge necessary to care for their child's oral health.

Enjoying Lifelong Oral Health

When children understand how to care for their own teeth, they're setting themselves up for good oral health for life. If a pediatric patient is able to keep their baby teeth healthy, their underlying adult teeth remain healthy as well.

Do Children Really Need Pediatric Dental Care?

I Have a Young Child. How Do I Know If They Have a Cavity?

Cavities are a common and treatable dental condition. While your child may not be able to express that they are experiencing the symptoms of tooth decay, these signs can help you know that it's time to visit our pediatric dentists in Fort St. John.

  • Swelling of the face or jaw
  • Discomfort with hot or cold foods
  • Refusing to eat favorite meals or snacks
  • Stains or dark spots on a tooth
  • Cracks or chips on a tooth
  • Crying, unhappiness, or tantrums, especially when brushing

Recognize These Symptoms?

When It Comes to Cavity Treatment Time Is of the Essence

Child receiving dental care
If you suspect your child has a cavity, it's best to visit us sooner rather than later. The quicker we can treat tooth decay, the quicker we can end your child's discomfort and get their smile back to a healthy state. Even if your child does not end up having a cavity, you will leave our office with the peace of mind that they are all right.

Receive Pediatric Dentistry At a Family-Focused Practice

As a parent or guardian, you may be searching for a pediatric dentist who cares deeply and communicates well with children. Drs. Alex Man and Henry Ma are proud to provide children with the treatment they need to lay the foundation for a lifetime of good oral health.

If you have a child who needs dental care, we invite you to request an appointment with our pediatric dentists at Apex Dental Fort St. John. You can fill out our contact form or call our Fort St. John, BC, office:

(250) 787-7820

Dr. with young patient
 Drs. Alex Man and Henry Ma provide children with the treatment they need to lay the foundation for a lifetime of good oral health.

The Pediatric Dentistry Treatments Available at Apex Dental Fort St. John

Dental Exams and Cleanings

Our pediatric dentists can monitor the health of your child's teeth and gums and detect when any problems may be occurring. If we find a problem, we can recommend an effective solution. During a regular appointment, your child will also receive a professional cleaning to remove built-up plaque from the surfaces of their teeth.

Ask Us About Dental Exams


When children develop cavities, it can cause immense pain, causing them to lose focus in school and lowering their quality of life. Our dentists can remove damaged and decayed parts of a tooth and fill the tooth to restore its structure. We offer both composite (white) fillings and amalgam (silver) fillings.

More About Dental Fillings

Dental Crowns

If your child has a tooth with significant damage that can't be fixed with a filling, we can place a dental crown. After damage and decay have been removed from the tooth, this restorative dentistry solution can fit over what remains of the tooth, restoring its structure and appearance. We offer porcelain zirconia, porcelain, and stainless steel crowns.

Ask Us About Dental Crowns

Dental Emergencies

Our dentists set two hours aside each day to see patients who are experiencing a dental emergency, including children. If your child has extreme tooth pain, a broken tooth, or another emergency, you can request a same-day appointment with us so we can arrange the proper dentistry treatment.

More About Emergency Dentistry

Visit Our Pediatric Dentists For Care That Parents and Children Both Approve Of

For many children, dental pain can be a new and anxiety-inducing experience. However, our caring team has helped many pediatric patients receive worry-free treatment.

We keep children—and their parents—at ease with a calming and friendly demeanor, as well as fun distractions, like television and video games. Parents also appreciate how we can thoroughly explain all the options available in a way that everyone will understand.

Whether your child needs a routine cleaning or treatment for dental problems like cavities, our dentists will aim to make their appointment as stress-free as possible.

To learn more about how our pediatric dentists, Henry Ma and Alex Man, provide child-friendly dental care, contact our Fort St. John, BC, office. You can also call:

(250) 787-7820

Dentist treating a patient
At our locally-owned Fort St. John dentistry practice, we proudly serve patients of all ages.

We're Here to Help Your Family 

How We Handle Feelings of Anxiety Surrounding Dentistry Procedures and Treatments

Children can sometimes be nervous about visiting the dentist, whether they had a poor dental experience in the past or they heard a story from someone else. Our dental clinic aims to alleviate this anxiety so children can associate a trip to the dentist with positive feelings.

Focus on Education

Children are naturally curious, and their fear of the dentist may stem from them not understanding what's happening during treatment. Our staff members go out of their way to guide children through the process step-by-step so they can better understand their care and how it's helping them.

Child-Friendly Language

Our staff members know how to explain complex procedures simply so a child can understand. We also like to reinforce good behavior with words of encouragement and praise so children know that they're doing a good job.

Parent Comfort

Parents and guardians are encouraged to stay in the room with their child during treatment, especially with younger children who are still getting used to the dentist. The comfort of being with a parent or guardian can be enough to alleviate a child's nerves.


When children would be more comfortable with a distraction from their dentistry treatment, our dentists can ask them questions, play something for them on the television, or use video games to get their mind off of treatment.


We like to reward children for their good behavior by offering them a toy and a ticket for ice cream. In addition to helping them associate the dentist with positive feelings, an ice cream can help alleviate discomfort after certain treatments.

Our caring team has helped many pediatric patients receive worry-free treatment.

Visit Dentists Who Care About the Community

Our pediatric dentists truly love our community — and they happily give back to it with local charity work. They also keep a community of dental patients healthy and happy.

Our practice was first led by Dr. Leslie Ho. Dr. Ho was known for his excellent care for local patients and their families, some of whom he had treated since he first began practicing in Fort St John in 1978. Dr. Ma bought the practice when Dr. Ho retired in 2020. We happily kept on many of the same team members, so that patients continue to see the same friendly faces they trust.

If you and your family want to join our dental community, contact us or call

(250) 787-7820

Dr. Man and team member with giant check for donation
Dr. Man, Dr. Ma, and our entire dentistry team truly dedicate themselves to the wellbeing of Fort St. John locals.
By preventing and treating problems at a young age and instilling healthy habits in your child, we can decrease the risk of serious oral health concerns later in life.

Dental Treatment in the Hospital

To receive dental treatment in the hospital, pediatric patients must be over the age of three. Fillings, extractions, pulpotomies, frenectomies, and space holders may be required during treatment. It's important to note that the waitlist for receiving treatment in the hospital can be as long as three months, as our practice receives a limited number of dates each month.

Anesthesia isn't just for pain relief. It can be helpful for children who have trouble sitting still or for those with special needs.

Pediatric Dentistry and Oral Wellness FAQs

Can a crown be placed on a baby tooth?

Yes, our dentists can place a stainless steel, porcelain, or zirconia dental crown on a baby tooth. This is typically necessary when a baby tooth is severely broken or decayed and needs protection. Your child will eventually lose their tooth, but a crown will save them from pain, stress, and additional damage.

My child's tooth is grey. What does it mean?

If your child's tooth is grey, it may be damaged from injury, dead, or have an infected root canal. This can be considered a dental emergency, so it's wise to visit our Fort St. John, BC, dental clinic as soon as possible for treatment. Your child may need root canal therapy, a dental crown, or a tooth extraction, depending on their case.

Should I brush my child's teeth for them?

Parents of young children or children with special needs will need to brush their child's teeth until they're old enough to do it themselves. You should do this from when their baby teeth erupt until they can do so independently. Then, you should supervise your child's brushing until the end of their preteen years.

Have More Questions?


Apex Dental Fort St. John

Dr. Alexander Man and Dr. Henry Ma are committed to providing patients in our community with high quality dental care. Together, they have more than 20 years of combined experience providing comprehensive dental services to patients, including:

We welcome new and existing patients. Contact us online to send us a message or request an appointment. You can also call us at (250) 787-7820.

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